Medak Commemoration

October 1, 2023
10:00 - 13:00

Woodlawn Cemetary (map at bottom of page)


During the period of 1992-2005 dozens of members of the North Saskatchewan Regiment served on United Nations and NATO deployments in the Former Yugoslavia.

At the invitation of Lieutenant Colonel Mike Graver, CD Commanding Officer, the North Saskatchewan Regiment you are invited to a commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the 2nd Bn PPCLI BG OP HARMONY ROTO 2 CROTIA Medak Pocket 01 October 2023, 1000 – 1300 hrs.

The ceremony will be comprised of two ceremonies during this commemorative event.

Ceremony 1 1000 – 1030: In keeping with the 100-year tradition of dedicating and naming trees in Woodlawn Cemetery to Canadian Service Members, trees will be dedicated in memory of Sgt Chris Bourque, CD and Cpl Mike Priddell both veterans of service in the former Yugoslavia. This ceremony will take place at Woodlawn Cemetery 33rd Street Saskatoon, Field of Crosses Memorial Section 58 A (see attached map).

Ceremony 2 1100 – 1130: An unveiling ceremony for members who died in service on the Regimental “Wall of Honour” at the Sgt Hugh Carins, VC Armoury 930 Idylwyld Dr N.

Reception - Following the Ceremony, a reception will take place with presentations to long serving and distinguished members of the Regiment:

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Tony Engelberts, CD on his retirement

Sergeant (Ret) Hugh Fraser, CD for 55 years of service to the Regiment and the Band

In recognition of service to the Regiment the unveiling of the Portraits of

-Hon Colonel Gil Bellavance, CD

-Hon Colonel Bob Stromberg, QC

-Hon Lieutenant Colonel David Dube, CM

Dress Military - DEU with Medals

Appropriate Civilian Dress with Medals